Ye-Vidnovlennya Card

Financial aid from the state program Ye-Vidnovlennya is available with a card from BISBANK.

Get an offer
How to get the card
Schedule an appointment with a specialist at the BISBANK branch
You can use the number 0800503005 for this purpose
Visit the BISBANK branch with your documents
We will send you the list of documents after scheduling the appointment
Open an account and get a card
As soon as the account is activated, we will send you a message
Go to the BIS24 app
Instead of a physical card, you will have an online card
Payment services

We return the interest from your daily purchases.

Replenish cards and accounts through terminals
Internet banking with BISBANK

Perform banking transactions whenever, wherever, and however it’s convenient for you, without visiting branches.

Frequently asked questions
Who can receive financial assistance?
  • Citizens aged 18 and above who have applied through the Diia app according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 381 dated April 21, 2023, and its amendments, are entitled to receive assistance. Ukrainian citizens who own or co-own damaged housing (subject to the consent of other co-owners) are eligible for assistance.
  • Ownership rights (all shares of ownership) to the real estate object must be registered in the State Register of Property Rights to Real Estate (SRPR).
  • Priority for payments is given to combatants, families of deceased servicemen, mobilized Ukrainians, large families, individuals with disabilities of I and II groups, as well as parents-guardians of family-type orphanages, foster parents, guardians/caretakers, orphans, and children deprived of parental care.
  • People under sanctions or with convictions for crimes against national security and their descendants are not eligible for payment.
What amount of money does the state pay out?
  • The amount of financial aid is determined individually and depends on the severity of the damage.
  • A special commission from the local authorities will inspect the housing and determine the amount of assistance.
What exactly does the state pay money for?
  • Funds are provided if the housing:
    • Is damaged as a result of hostilities after February 24, 2022.
    • Is located in non-occupied territory where active hostilities are not taking place.
    • Is subject to restoration.
    • Has not been repaired independently.

    With the received funds, you can restore an apartment, house, or other residential premises, such as a room in a dormitory.

Are there any restrictions on the use of funds in the Ye-Pidtrymka account?

No, currently there are no restrictions. All non-cash transactions in retail and online networks for goods and services, transfers, and cash withdrawals are allowed.

How can you spend the received funds?
  • Funds can only be spent on the purchase of building materials and ordering repair services.

    The list of participants from whom building materials and services can be purchased is available on the service website Participants can join the program by submitting a joining application on the Diia portal at

    Any other goods, except those specified in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 381 dated April 21, 2023, cannot be purchased with these funds. The eRecovery card can be used to pay for construction work carried out by program partners. If you are purchasing both building materials and goods that are not eligible for compensation at the same time, you need to make two separate purchases and pay for the ineligible goods with your own funds.

Коли можна використовувати отримані кошти?

Гроші потрібно використати протягом 12 місяців з дня їх отримання. Після цієї дати залишок коштів автоматично повертається до держбюджету.

How to get financial assistance?
  1. First, you need to submit an informational notice about the damaged property. This can be done on the Diia portal or app, as well as through CNAP or a notary. If you have not done this previously.
  2. Next, you need to apply for the eRecovery card from BISBANK. This can be done at the bank branch or when submitting an application in the Diia app.
  3. Then, you need to submit an application for compensation in the Diia app. Open Services — eRecovery — Submit an application for compensation. Choose the BISBANK card for the disbursement.
  4. If you are not the sole owner of the property, you need to get consent from the co-owner(s) that you will be receiving the compensation. Only one of the owners can receive the funds for the repairs. Consent can be provided through the Diia app, and a request for consent will be sent when submitting the eRecovery service application. Consent can also be provided offline by selecting the appropriate option in the app.
  5. Then, the local authorities will send a commission to inspect the damaged property, record the destruction, and determine the compensation amount.
  6. After the inspection, the decision will be entered into the Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property. You will then receive confirmation and the funds will be transferred to the specialized eRecovery card from BISBANK. These funds can only be used for building materials or contractor services that are participants in the eRecovery program. You can view the list of these companies in your region on the eRecovery website
Чи є обмеження для отримання коштів?
  • Програма єВідновлення розрахована лише на громадян, житло яких було пошкоджене. Якщо житло знищено повністю і його неможливо відновити, необхідно подати заявку на програму житлових сертифікатів.
  • У програмі не можуть брати участь власники житла, яке знаходиться у зоні бойових дій або на тимчасово окупованих територіях.
  • Програма розрахована на допомогу тим громадянам, які не мали можливості відновити житло власними силами. Власники, які вже повністю відновили свої домівки, що постраждали внаслідок бойових дій, не можуть отримати грошову допомогу в межах впровадження цього етапу проєкту єВідновлення. Вони зможуть отримати виплати після січня 2024 року.
    Якщо було усунено частину збитків, то є можливість отримати грошову допомогу на ремонт збитків, які ще не усунуті.
  • Неможливо отримати виплату, якщо житло знаходиться у багатоповерховому будинку, де постраждали і не були відремонтовані місця загального користування. Наприклад, дах чи під’їзд. У такому разі ремонт будинку централізовано проводить орган місцевого самоврядування.
  • Умови картки:
    – Кошти від держави надаються на ремонт пошкодженого житла
    – Кошти можна витратити виключно на придбання будівельних матеріалів та замовлення ремонтних послуг.
    – Кошти, не витрачені протягом 12 місяців, буде повернуто до державного бюджету і картка буде автоматично закрита банком.
  • Такі операції, як самостійне поповнення, перекази коштів, зняття готівки та оплата інших категорій товарів, неможливі.
Information about the deposit guarantee system of individuals

Learn about the deposit guarantee system for individuals and ensure that your financial savings are in reliable hands by following the link.

Recommendations for information security
  • Learn about our information security policy, E-learning systems, and mobile payment options for secure and convenient financial transactions by following the link.
  • Check out useful tips on protecting yourself from phishing and card loss to keep your financial assets safe by following the link.
Appeal of citizens

Do you have any questions or need assistance? Feel free to contact us; we’re always ready to help and answer your inquiries by following the link.

Warning for Clients
  1. The bank is prohibited from requiring the client to purchase any goods or services from the bank or any related or associated entity as a mandatory condition for providing services.
  2. The bank is not entitled to make changes to the contracts concluded with clients unilaterally, unless otherwise provided by the contract or the law.
  3. The client has the right to refuse to receive advertising materials via remote communication channels.
  4. By signing the Application-Questionnaire for accession to the Agreement, the client unequivocally confirms that at the time of concluding the Agreement, the client has read the full text of the Agreement with annexes (including Tariffs), fully understood its content, and agrees to all the terms of the Agreement and Tariffs that are in effect on the date of concluding this Agreement, as well as familiarized with other information listed in clause 2 of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Services Markets”, including the following.
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    Якщо звернення оформлюється з метою реалізації прав за ЗУ «Про звернення громадян», то воно повинно містити всі дані згідно до закону.