Looking for a bank that meets the specific needs of your business? Leave your contacts and we will find a solution that is right for you.
In order not to look for funds for raw materials, production, sales or for other expenses.
In order not to look for funds for raw materials, production, sales or for other expenses.
Previous editions can be found at the link
Revolving credit line
UAH, US dollar, Euro, multi-currency line
From 1 to 3 years with annual repayment and re-approval for the following year.
Selection and repayment of credit tranches is established in accordance with the borrower’s financial cycle
Liquid movable and immovable property, property rights to deposit funds in the Bank, guarantee of owners (as additional security)
The interest rate and commissions for corporate clients are subject to individual agreement
Repayment of the loan according to the established schedule. Payment of interest monthly.
* you will find out the detailed conditions from the credit manager of JSC “BANK INVESTMENTS AND SAVINGS”.
Looking for a bank that meets the specific needs of your business? Leave your contacts and we will find a solution that is right for you.