The main financial indicators of the bank as of 01.03.2024
Assets – UAH 3,936,159,000.
Liabilities – UAH 3,197,198,000.
The authorized capital – UAH 500,000,000.
Equity – UAH 738,961,000.
Regulatory capital – UAH 705,103,000.
Net profit – UAH 22,519,000,000.
Financial Statements
Дізнатись більше
Financial reporting according to international standards
Дізнатись більше
Information on bank activity indicators
Дізнатись більше
The results of the stability assessment JSC "Bank of Investments and savings"
Дізнатись більше
Data about debtors
Дізнатись більше
Settlement of overdue debt
Дізнатись більше